Where to Fence
Whether you are just starting your fencing journey or a veteran returning to the fold, WA has a range of friendly and vibrant clubs across Perth that will welcome you.
FencingWA Affiliated Clubs
FencingWA Affiliated Clubs are clubs that are open to casual fencing but aslo actively participate in competitions both state and national events. We require members of the following affiliated clubs to be registered with FencingWA in order to participate in these events. See below for the closest fencing club location near you.
State Weapon training is held for individual weapons. It is free and open to FencingWA affiliated members. This is high performance training and athletes should discuss with their coaches if this training is suitable for them.
Please see locations and times for each weapon below.
State Epee Training
*under consideration until further notice*
State Sabre Training
*under consideration until further notice*
State Foil Training
*under consideration until further notice*

Mt Lawley Sport and Fitness Centre, Building 21, Edith Cowan University Mt Lawley Campus
Weapon: Foil, Epee and Sabre
Please view Club Website for more detailed Information
FencingWA Non - Affiliated Clubs
FencingWA non - affiliated clubs are clubs that are only focused on casual fencing. They do not participate in competitions and just enjoy the sport as a leisurely past time. Please note that you cannot compete in any state or national events if you are attending any of the listed clubs below.

Albany Fencing Club

Murdoch En Garde Fencing Club
Murdoch University Recreation Centre, Gym, Murdoch.
Casual Fencing for all ages.
Thursday 7.00 PM - 8.00PM